About Me

My name is Jacque and I'm a stay at home/work at home mom. I have two beautiful children and a wonderful husband. There are a couple of purpose for this blog. One is to show people that you don't need a large nest egg to be successful at earning from home. Also, I want to give me honest review of some of the programs, guides and "business opportunities" that are being sold online. I've spent a lot of money on things that didn't live up to their promises and it's very disappointing. Especially when you're desperately in need of money. Even when you try to find honest reviews on a product, you have to hope that it's a legitimate review and not just a sales page. I don't like being lied to and I know you don't either and that's why I started this blog. I'll tell what the program really is and make sure you get enough information so that you can come to a decision you'll be happy with.